Monday, November 17, 2008

Dylan Gets Guests!

My Cousin Kelly Kate and her husband, Seth, were in town this past weekend and they stopped by for a quick visit with Dylan!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I am learning to sit up!

Dylan is learning to sit in his little chair and hold his head up.. He gets a little tummy time every day..

Dylan and Papa

Dylan loves to cuddle up with Papa.. They usually snooze or watch Football.. Dylan is so lucky to have such a great Papa..

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Dylan is a mover and a shaker! We cherish the moments when he will just lay on our chest and give us some love.. He is starting to show and build sooo much character. He is smiling and cooing. He loves to help hold his bottle up. Daddy loves to feed him and get up in the middle of the night with him. We love to just stare into his innocent little eyes. He loves to try and immitate our faces.. We love him soooo much.. Dylan will sure miss his Daddy the next few months..